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 10 exquisite curated Goddess Yoga flows

Temple of the Goddess

You have arrived, at the doorway to The Temple...

Are you ready to Feel Sexy Again? 


Experience a curated monthly journey and explore working with specific Goddess archetypes...

Awakening and activating your intuition., deepening your connection to pleasure, releasing old patterns, and becoming the highest version of yourself. 


What's included:

10 curated Goddess Flows 

10 exquisite curated Goddess Yoga classes based on unique Goddess Archetypes and led by founder Holly Kellogg. 

 Explore deepening our understanding of different Goddesses and how their energy can support us in our lives.


Collective connection is at your fingertips through our community portal, message boards, and group chat.

Goddess Yoga Playlists

Easy access to playlists so that you can sink into your divine feminine through music anytime. 

JOIN NOW - $111

Love Notes

Let Others Inspire You.

"I’ll never forget my first goddess class. I walked in anxious and reserved and left radiant and powerful.  Goddess unlocked my sensuality and healed my deep sisterhood wound. It is more than just connecting to your body, it’s also about feeling heard/seen in a community abundantly rich with unconditional love and empathy."

Nicole Danish, Detroit, MI

"Goddess Yoga is the homecoming of the wild woman untamed within all of us, a safe space to move through trauma and outdated stories into our fullest expression."

Hannah Krusenbaum, Victor, ID

New to Goddess Yoga? Try our FREE class